What are APSC Meetings?
APSC Meetings are regular, usually bi-monthly co-operative gatherings of upstream oil and gas operators (currently about 100 companies). The purpose is to share information on their exploration and production activities in the Asia-Pacific region, and to discuss matters of mutual interest and in the upstream oil and gas business. It is intended that the sharing of information between the members is fair and equitable. How frequently are APSC/SEAPEX meetings held?
Bimonthly, the former are held in the mornings attended by oil company representatives while the latter are informal society meeting attended by most industry professionals from both oil companies and service companies. Do I need to be an operator to join the APSC?
Yes. Only companies with at least one petroleum concession or contract in the Asia-Pacific region, and which they operate or jointly operate, are eligible to join and become APSC members. How do I join the APSC?
An e-mail application should be made to apsc@asiapacificscoutcheck.org stating the applicant company name, the operated block or blocks of the company, naming two or more contact names (e-mails), from when membership is desired, and stating compliance with the APSC Guidelines. Who can attend the APSC meetings?
Up to 2 representatives of the member company can attend. Attendees should be employees of the company, or nominated representatives. They should be sufficiently knowledgeable about the company s business activities to be able to answer questions from other members at the meeting. Outside visitors not officially representing a member are not admitted. How much does it cost to join the APSC?
A Joining Fee of S$5,500 will be charged for new members. These charges will cover the costs of the APSC meetings (room, lunch, drinks and administration charges). What are the obligations and requirements for maintaining membership of the APSC?
Members are expected to remain active to avoid suspension. To remain active, members must attend at least 3 of the 6 meetings per year and submit reports to all meetings. If I have offices in several Asia-Pacific countries, how should I join?
This is an individual company decision. There can be one membership with attendance of up to two relevant personnel from any office of your choice. However, we expect that efforts will be made to fully report and answer other member questions on all operating countries. Alternatively there can be two or more memberships so that more representatives can attend and more fully report on company activities. Are members activity reports confidential?
Yes. Information received at or via the APSC must not to be shared with third parties. However, members may share permit-specific operational information with their joint venture partners. Violation of this will result in termination of membership from the APSC. Are non-members allowed to be involved in APSC meetings?
No, however, the APSC will allow the distribution of relevant upstream information such as licence rounds and other special industry events. The APSC will consider making lunch presentation slots available to Government bodies to promote licensing rounds. How to see APSC Number
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